Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The O-Men: Today's Study - Gesture and Light/Shade - chose on...

The O-Men: Today's Study - Gesture and Light/Shade - chose on...: Today's Study - Gesture and Light/Shade - chose one of my all time favourite stars - and the man who should have been 'The Stainless...
Today's Study - Gesture and Light/Shade - chose one of my all time favourite stars - and the man who should have been 'The Stainless Steel Rat' imo. I wont name him yet - well keep it fun and see if I captured enough of a likeness for people to guess? Wanted to keep this under an hour, I didn't though, closer to 2 but its still pretty rough and I need to study local values soon as its a real struggle atm. Ref once the actor is named :)~
Link to FB version


Thursday, 22 August 2013

The O-Men: Weekly Studies - 2 of 3 - Scars/Values

The O-Men: Weekly Studies - 2 of 3 - Scars/Values: To continue my task of at least 3 studies per week and to move towards my goal of concepting some unique Arthurian/Post Apocalyptic Characte...

Weekly Studies - 2 of 3 - Scars/Values

To continue my task of at least 3 studies per week and to move towards my goal of concepting some unique Arthurian/Post Apocalyptic Characters I have done a study of real scarring.  Not entirely happy with results but the lessons learnt will serve me to some degree.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Blogger blog blog : The O-Men: Last Study of the week - 45 mins Values and face s...

The O-Men: Last Study of the week - 45 mins Values and face s...: Last Study of the week - 45 mins Values and face study, wanted to ease myself into scars and battle damage - ref : Joseph Gilgun from 'L...
Last Study of the week - 45 mins Values and face study, wanted to ease myself into scars and battle damage - ref : Joseph Gilgun from 'Lockout' and 'Misfits' https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1187032_10151854167277053_1539676153_n.jpg

Friday, 16 August 2013

Latest update - started modeling the Mantle, torso, joints and missile pods, trying to figure out the ammo drum eject and reload mechanism still.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

The O-Men: Another Anatomy/Value/Gesture Study - about 2 hour...

The O-Men: Another Anatomy/Value/Gesture Study - about 2 hour...: Another Anatomy/Value/Gesture Study - about 2 hours and a little looser, which is where I aim to be eventually, loose and impressionistic. ...
Another Anatomy/Value/Gesture Study - about 2 hours and a little looser, which is where I aim to be eventually, loose and impressionistic.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Bit of an update to show I'm still on this - got the upper mantle (shoulder/collar Plate) modelled and the missile cases, started on the sensor package and head, long long way to go, and 16 days left? - should be fun.

Monday, 12 August 2013

The O-Men: This mornings Face/Expression study - wanted to tr...

The O-Men: This mornings Face/Expression study - wanted to tr...: This mornings Face/Expression study - wanted to try to capture the expression more than I was after rendering skin or hair, those will come ...
This mornings Face/Expression study - wanted to try to capture the expression more than I was after rendering skin or hair, those will come later when I'm more confident. Bit quicker this one - around an hour mostly fiddling with the eyes (which I did so desperately want to catch but not quite there yet). And again the left is worked up just a tiny amount more than the right. 1 hour Face/Expression Study - link to FB version https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151841756327053&set=p.10151841756327053&type=1&theater

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Link to FB version

Study - 2D - Torso - Values/Anatomy - first in years and wanted to limber up with something familiar to get my 2d muscles moving and to start to learn blending and values again. Im looking for battle scar refs, nothing too grisly, just slash scars and the like - any links most appreciated. Thanks - 1.5 hours - only left half is worked up. Ref for comparison included.